Emily in the Manure Channel Photoshooting update
On Monday the 05.08 we had our first shooting with Emily in the Manure Channel. The Set will include over 400+ Images of her bathing in Cow Dung. The release date of the set is in the next few days. Here are some preview Photos of her.
New Video
At the same day of the Photoshooting I’ve shot also a new Video with myself, the video is around 25 minutes long and contains, submerging, jerking off, cum eating, buttplug, smearing. Release is also in the next few days. The Screenshot below is from the new Video.

Email Delivery Problems
So we had some Email delivery problems as far as we know with gmx.de, web.de freenet.de and maybe others. This concerned all emails that were sent from us, like order confirmation, password resets etc. The problem is now fixed and all emails should arrive you without any further problems.
any vids with Emily in the future
She had fun during the Photoshooting and already offered to do another photoshooting. So there’s a high possibility that I would choose her for videos.
Was that her first time in manure?
Yes it was. She told me she got dirty as a child once, but nothing like this.
Ok. I can not wait to do it myself. When I see the photos of her.
Would she be open for a manure sex scene with a guy?
Sadly not emily, she is only available for photosessions.
Hi, ich mag eure Videos und Bilder. gibts die Möglichkeit es mal selber zu versuchen? ich würde gerne mal in den Mist tauchen. Gruß aus Österreich, Werner
Vielen Dank, derzeit noch nicht ist aber in der Planung.