Franky finished cleaning up in the barn, as he scooped out the last drops of manure out of the basin, he needed to pee. So he unzipped his pants and peed in the large barrel with the manure in it. But suddenly he had to go for number 2, he didn’t have the time to pull down his pants completely so he had a nasty accident in his pants.
Now they are completely full, as he reached in them he felt that it was a huge mess, so he decided to wash it all away with a shower. Luckily in the barn there’s a large pipe where normally the water tanks for the cows on the pasture get filled. So he stood beneath it and pulled the chain so the water could flow. He heard the rumbling but then with huge pressure cow dung shot in his face and pushed him down. He was so surprised that instead of water, cow dung came out of the pipe. He was now completely covered in all that green stinky filth.
Somehow though, it made him horny, feeling all that warm dung on his body and also his own mess in his pants, so he starts to masturbate and enjoy his time in his filth.
Video Length: 25 Minutes
Franky's Nasty Accident

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